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Speaker details

CESNET, z. s. p. o. (Czech Republic)

Rudolf Vohnout

Got his dipl. Ing. degree in 2005 at the University Pardubice, Jan Perner's Transport Faculty, with focus on Transport Technology and Control systems. Joined CESNET as a junior researcher, with main focus on L2 and E2E services or special photonic services applications (e.g. in Biology). He has finished his doctoral (Ph.D.) studies in Applied Informatics in 2014 and since then he focuses mainly on international research project. He participated in several FP7/H2020 projects. He is a principal investigator of several international projects as well as do user engagement of certain research projects and infrastructures in GÉANT's GN4 project. He is also active in academic area, where he is responsible for cross-border joint study programme of Bioinformatics, he is a deputy head at the institute of Applied Informatics and also is author or co-author of many papers in journals and conference proceedings.

Rudolf Vohnout is a speaker in the following presentations:
