NLnet Foundation (Netherlands)
Michiel Leenaars (1972) is chairman of the board of The Commons Conservancy. In his daily life he is Director of Strategy at NLnet, and director of Internet Society Netherlands. He is a W3C liaison officer for the Benelux Office of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). He is a member of the Netherlands highest advisory body on education policy, the national education council ("Onderwijsraad"). He is member of the UNESCO PERSIST Technical Taskforce and the IPDC/IFAP working group at UNESCO NL. He is vice-chair of OpenDoc Society and Chancellor of He is on the advisory board of and SIDN Fund. Previously he worked for the Netherlands National Science foundation, and was one of the two founding editors of the e-IRG technology roadmaps for e-Infrastructure produced under the aegis of the European e-Infrastructures Reflection Group.