Association for Robots in Architecture & UfG Linz (Austria)
Sigrid Brell-Cokcan and Johannes Braumann co-founded the Association for Robots in Architecture in 2010 with the goal of making industrial robots accessible to the creative industry. Headed by Sigrid Brell-Cokcan and Johannes Braumann, it acts on the one hand as a network for robot users worldwide by organizing the biannual Rob|Arch conferences (proceedings published at Springer) but also as an active research institute, having been involved in a large range of both national and EU research projects (FWF, FFG, EU-FP7). RiA has been instrumental in creating a topic group for Construction Robotics at euRobotics, and has initialized the Construction Robotics Journal at Springer. The Association makes its KUKA|prc software for accessible and intuitive programming of KUKA robots available through its homepage, which has been a determining factor towards bringing easy robot programming into ateliers, offices, and classrooms.