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Working together towards a European Open Science Cloud
Wednesday plenary
Users, smart campus, education, research, science, big data, HPC
Users: arts (media) and humanities (linguistic, librarians, social networks), health sciences (genes) and societies, e-research engagement & Other
Trust, identity, security, privacy, mobility
Thursday plenary 2
Thursday plenary 1
Software Defined Multilayer Networks
Securing the Things
Securing the Infrastructure
Securing the Building Blocks
SDN and overlay networks
SDN and automation
Research Engagement and the Sociology of Global Collaborations
Pre-commercial procurement: challenges and opportunities
Open Source Collaboration
Opening plenary
Off the beaten track:Sparks of innovation from the NREN universe
Network monitoring
Networking for clouds
Network infrastructures, SDN, smart networks, automation, data analytics, intelligent networks
Network architectures
Lightning talks - Second Strike
Lightning talks - First Strike
Learning and credentials
Identity strategy
Identity LEGO
Fostering Creativity in Network Space: Open Orchestration for...
Enabling a creative environment
Come play in the cloud
Collaboration tools, clouds, video conferencing, above the net services, software
Cloud on the ground
Closing plenary
Building communities, strategy, international, NRENs, knowledge exchange
Bright Future for the Arts