Working together towards a European Open Science Cloud |
Wednesday plenary |
Users, smart campus, education, research, science, big data, HPC |
Users: arts (media) and humanities (linguistic, librarians, social networks), health sciences (genes) and societies, e-research engagement & Other |
Trust, identity, security, privacy, mobility |
Thursday plenary 2 |
Thursday plenary 1 |
Software Defined Multilayer Networks |
Securing the Things |
Securing the Infrastructure |
Securing the Building Blocks |
SDN and overlay networks |
SDN and automation |
Research Engagement and the Sociology of Global Collaborations |
Pre-commercial procurement: challenges and opportunities |
Open Source Collaboration |
Opening plenary |
Off the beaten track:Sparks of innovation from the NREN universe |
Network monitoring |
Networking for clouds |
Network infrastructures, SDN, smart networks, automation, data analytics, intelligent networks |
Network architectures |
Lightning talks - Second Strike |
Lightning talks - First Strike |
Learning and credentials |
Identity strategy |
Identity LEGO |
Fostering Creativity in Network Space: Open Orchestration for... |
Enabling a creative environment |
Come play in the cloud |
Collaboration tools, clouds, video conferencing, above the net services, software |
Cloud on the ground |
Closing plenary |
Building communities, strategy, international, NRENs, knowledge exchange |
Bright Future for the Arts |